How can a professional headshot “Make All Shift Happen”?

an impact-making headshot is a sure-fire way to "make a shift happen". 

Headshot Photo by Bemashing LLC
Beemash. Portrait shot by Bemashing LLC

Social media has an important role in promoting our professional selves and such, having an impact-making headshot is a sure-fire way to “make a shift happen”. 

  • “Ooh, look at her profile pic! She looks OFFICIAL” 

“Since every social media platform requires a profile image, your headshot will have a far-reaching web presence in addition to more traditional uses like the staff page of your organization’s website and publication in conference or speaking engagement–related materials.” (

Bemashing Corporate Headshot Photo by Bemashing LLC
Corporate Headshot. Photo by Bemashing

Reasons why you should invest in a headshot

So, are you still wondering if you need to invest in a professionally taken headshot? Here are a couple reasons why you should:

  • It gives a sense of  your professionalism. If you “look” professional, potential clients, investors, collaborators, etc. that don’t know you personally are going to be more likely to think that you’re the professional they’re looking for.
  • A great headshot can give people an idea of your personality before they meet you. A smile, 🙂 , portrays approachability. A serious look, 😐 , portrays determination. Make your expression match your personality. I like to do different expressions for different profiles on the varying social media sites 😉 .

Real or inauthenthic?

  • It can also help your business contacts remember who you are if they met you in passing at a conference or some sort of  business function. Therefore, having your MASH headshot makes it more likely they will accept your “friend” or “follow” request. 
  • A current headshot gives people an idea of what you look like now. Do you still look the same way you did two years ago? Imagine seeing someone who’s “real life” appearance doesn’t match the profile picture.  It’s not good to surprise people in this way. It sends a message of inauthenticity. Don’t be a “catfish“!
Look your best!
  • It’s a real good look on LinkedIn! “It supports and enhances the skills and experience on your LinkedIn profile, making you stand out from the rest. One hint specific to LinkedIn is to look to the left so you are literally looking at your profile” (
  • Moreover, it can make you feel good to look your best. Having a high quality professional personal image to share with your professional peers has the ability to boost your self confidence, and it can even inspire you to share more of yourself with others, take a few risks, and overcome those work-related challenges. 

In conclusion, professional headshots can make you feel AND look like a top executive. Everybody needs that feeling. A professional headshot that can make that shift happen. I hope that this blog will motivate you to get with a skilled headshot photographer. With a great headshot, your unique personality AND professionalism will shine through, making all shift happen with new business and new opportunities. 

Get your professional headshot to “Make All Shift Happen”
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Check out more of our work:  ArtAllSeason

digital camera, canon, eos-4134671.jpg

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